Investment Strategy
Brokered Certificates of Deposit: Pros and Cons
Brokered Certificates of Deposit are an excellent product. But they are more complicated than their bank-issued counterparts. You can purchase brokered CDs through many major investment firms. They often settle same day, although sometimes settlement can be several days in the future. There is typically a selection of banks offering CDs for sale, and that …
Never Buy Based on a Star Money Manager
Buying a fund due to the celebrity reputation of its manager is not a good idea. When I worked for a large brokerage internal wholesalers visited our office. Their job was to convince us to put our clients into house mutual funds. They would weave colorful stories about managers’ experience and track record. It made …
Go Small When Entering an Unfamiliar Sector
Caution should be an investor’s number one priority when expanding portfolio scope. Examining and testing out new opportunities is necessary for portfolio development. But initial investment should be limited. Every investment sector has behavioral traits. When you do not have experience with these it could lead to large losses. In 2003, while working in banking, …